【和Emily一起练口语】Have to do with

【和Emily一起练口语】Have to do with

2015-12-09    03'00''

主播: 英语主播Emily

137 23

更多英语资讯关注微信公众号:Emily_aiyingyu ​ ​Have to do with...与什么有关。。 ​I had nothing to do with the murder,I was at home all night. ​我和那场谋杀无关,我整晚都在家。 ​Harry said he didn't want to have anything to do with the new comer。 ​哈利不想和新来的扯上关系。 ​The book has to do with computers. ​那本书和计算机有关。 ​A:Don't have too much to do with him? ​不要和他有太多关系。 ​B:why not? ​为什么? ​A:His father is a prisoner. ​他爸爸是犯人。 ​B:So what?His father is in prison,not he. ​那又怎么样?他爸爸是犯人,他不是。 ​背景音乐:show you