【和Emily一起练口语】end up

【和Emily一起练口语】end up

2016-01-29    04'14''

主播: 英语主播Emily

390 33

更多英语资讯欢迎关注微信公众号:Emily_aiyingyu We were going to go out,but ended up watching TV at home. 我们原计划外出,结果却在家里看电视。 Our baggage ended up in Paris. 我们的行李箱意外到达了巴黎。 A:Hey,what's the matter with you. 嗨,你怎么了? B:I just can't get along with my mother.every time we went dancing,we ended up in a bad mood. 我觉得我和我妈妈相处不来,每次我们出去跳舞,到头来总是扫兴而归。 A:Come on,she's your mother.I don't think there's something that makes you two not get along. 别这样,她是你妈妈,我不觉得你们两个之间有什么相处不来的。 B:You don't know,we always have different opinions. 你不知道,我们总是意见不一。 背景音乐:what can i do