【和Emily一起练口语】He has no authority

【和Emily一起练口语】He has no authority

2019-03-28    05'02''

主播: 英语主播Emily

1205 10

A: How's your new job going? 你的新工作怎么样? B: It's challenging, but I'm enjoying it quite a bit. 充满挑战,不过我很喜欢这种感觉。 A: That's great, I knew you'd do a good job as a manager. 那很好啊,我知道你当经理会做的很好。 B: Thanks a lot. 多谢。 A: How's your assistant manager getting on? 你的副经理呢,怎么样? B: Well, that's part of the problem. His probation period is up tomorrow and I don't think he's ready to pass. 嗯,这是个问题,到明天他的试用期就满了,不过我觉得他合格不了 A: What seems to be the problem? 问题出在哪儿呢? B: Well, he was supposed to be able to learn his job in 30 days, but he just doesn't seem to know what he's doing. 他应该在30天之内了解,并且熟悉他的工作内容。不过他似乎并不明白他该做些什么。 A: If you gave him another 30 days. Do you think he could figure it out by then? 如果你再给他30天时间,你觉得他能弄清楚吗? B: To be honest, he has no authority, he's a hard-worker, but no one listens to him. 老实说,他没有威信。他是个勤奋工作的人,但是没有人听他的。 A: I see. Not everyone is cut out to work in management. 我知道了,并不是每个人都能放在管理层工作。 B: I know. It'll be great if we could transfer him to a department where he doesn't have to work with people. 我知道,如果把他调到一个不用跟很多人一起共事的部门去,也许会很好。 A: There's an opening in the creative design department. It involves working with computers. 创意设计部有个职位空缺,只要整天与电脑为伴就行。 B: That's perfect. I'll let him know tomorrow. Thanks. 那太好了,我明天告诉他,谢谢。
上一期: I've only found a few openings in my field