

2017-09-05    00'28''

主播: Jasmine看美剧学英语

853 12

关注公众号,可观看美剧视频 ☆◆完整中英文对照◆☆ -你想怎样 What do you want? -原来你不在别人背后捅刀子的时候,就在这里打发时间 So this is where you spend your time when you're not stabbing people in the back. -我是用了点办法,让你告诉了我真相,不能算是背后捅刀子,只能说是以其人之道还治其人之身 I tricked you into telling me the truth. That's not stabbing you in the back. That's using your own tactics against you. -你去哪里 Where are you going? -达蒙,我已经说得很清楚了,我不想与你有任何瓜葛。 I made myself clear, Damon. I want nothing to do with you. -好吧,那就珍娜的烤肉派对上见吧 Ok. See you at Jenna's barbecue.