Hangzhou is a very meaningful city, and a great city that made the West and the East meet together, and made the great leaders of the East and the West sit down together, and discuss for the future. I think the G20 summit has high expectations from the world, especially at this moment of the world economy.
A lot of people don’t like globalization. I personally believe that globalization is a great thing for the world. The only thing is that how we can improve globalization to enable more small businesses and more young people to get involved in it. What if we can use a new mechanism, or new technology that can enable 1 billion, or 2 billion, or 3 billion people to do trade?
EWTP, Electronic World Trade Platform, we think it should be sponsored and enforced by the business and supported by the government.
So we can build a platform that can enable small businesses and young people to do free trade and open fair trade globally, this is going to be very fundamental for the world economy in the next 20 or 30 years.
And I think we’re very proud to get involved in the G20 and B20, and put forward our ideas. It is an idea and we’ll continue to work to move forward after this great event.
People keep on asking why Alibaba isn’t in Beijing or in Shanghai, but in Hangzhou. It isn’t because the city is my hometown, but because the city has its entrepreneurs. It’s so friendly to private sectors and people here are well-educated.
In our city, we like entrepreneurs, and we like people who start from scratch. So I think we get great talented people, we get good environment, and we get the great culture that fights for the future.
Hangzhou is a pretty small city with only about 9 million people, but it is so powerful, so influential in Chinese economy and Chinese culture.
Because 1,000 years ago in the Song Dynasty, this was the capital of China. At that time, this was the most splendid and prosperous city in China. Today Hangzhou has become the driving force of China’s new economy because of e-commerce. And because of the e-commerce development and Internet development, there are a lot of young people who are interested in e-commerce and Internet business. They all come to the city. The city becomes the center of inspiration, the center of innovation, and the center of the new economy entrepreneurs.
Because of the G20 and B20, I want Hangzhou to be a city more friendly to the world. When people come here, they bring new ideas and benefit from this culture and understand China better.