Emma Watson Is Hiding Books

Emma Watson Is Hiding Books

2017-01-19    03'01''

主播: 白鲸2016

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After distributing copies of Maya Angelou’s Mom&Me&Mom in London’s underground, Watson did the same in the New York subway. Watson hid another 100 copies of the book throughout the NYC subway system with Books on the Subway, a program that distributes free reading materials to New Yorkers on their commutes. The books were hidden inside poles on the platform, on a ledge at the teller’s desk or inside Grand Central Terminal. Inside of each book, Watson has left a handwritten note, telling readers to take care of each book and to pass it on to someone else when it is done. Watson picked the Angelou book for November and December 2016, reading for her online feminist book club “Our Shared Shelf” as part of her work with the UN. Watson said that the book described not only Angelou’s evolution as a black woman but also her feminist perspective, her independence and self-awareness, all of which contributed to her unique way of looking at the world. On the Goodreads page for Our Shared Shelf, she wrote, “As part of my work with UN Women, I have started reading as many books and essays about equality as I can get my hands on. There is so much amazing stuff out there — funny, inspiring, thought-provoking, encouraging! I’ve been discovering so much that I’ve felt like my head was about to explode ... I decided to start a feminist book club, as I want to share what I’m learning and hear your thoughts, too.” “My plan is to select and read a book every month, and then discuss the book during the month’s last week. I will post some questions or quotes to get things started, but I would love this to grow into an open discussion with and between you all. Whenever possible I hope to have the author or another prominent voice on the subject, join the conversation,” she wrote. Watson is no stranger to participate in humanitarian causes. She was appointed as a Global Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women in 2014, serving as an advocate for HeForShe, a campaign that encourages both genders to support equal rights.
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