If you really are smarter than ordinary people, you may have these signs.
You understand how much you don’t know. Intelligent people are able to admit what they don’t know. Intelligent people aren’t afraid to say, “I don’t know.” If they don’t know it, they can learn it. However, the less intelligent you are, the more you overestimate your abilities.
You are always thirsty for knowledge. Albert Einstein once said, “I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious.” Intelligent people will be deeply attracted by things others take for granted.
You are happiest alone. While most people are happier when they’re surrounded by friends, intelligent people are happier when they are not. Intelligent people are fond of being alone, and in the meanwhile they read, they study, and they think. They are becoming a better self.
You are open-minded. Intelligent people don’t close themselves off to new ideas or opportunities. They are willing to accept and consider other views.
You have extraordinary imagination. Intelligent people are able to see patterns where others can’t. You think there’s no relation between sashimi and watermelon? You’d be wrong. Both are usually eaten raw and cold. And making these kinds of connections is a symbol of creativity. Disney says its movie Frozen seems clever because it takes old ideas and pushes them together in new ways.
You think about big questions. Intelligent people wonder a lot about the universe and the meaning of life. What’s more, they always ask what’s the point of everything.
You are a night owl. The smarter you are, the more you love to stay up into the early hours of the morning.
You are really funny. Intelligent people tend to have a great sense of humor.
Do you think you are one with high intelligence?