

2016-01-12    08'04''

主播: ᴷ¹

89 6

數學渣!!!害慘我了,簡直~ China’s class is on the hunt for their first job. Do young Chinese graduates hope to work in the public or private sector? In a foreign or Chinese company? What factors are most important to them when looking for a job? This article, from the Chinese media, examines young graduates in Shanghai. 小编导读:中国毕业生正在寻找他们的第一份工作。他们希望自己在私企还是国家单位工作?想去外企还是中国的企业?当他们找工作时,什么才是最重要的因素?这篇来自中国媒体的文章,为我们解读了上海的毕业生。 Through this microcosm, we can better understand the priorities of young Chinese job-seekers throughout China. The struggle between stability at a government job, and a high salary in the private sector is clear. Family is number one for many recent graduates and most look to their parents for advice when looking for a job, especially regarding location. 通过这个缩影,我们能更好地理解中国求职者在找工作时考虑的首要因素。政府部门稳定和私企高薪之间的抗争依旧明显。对于近来找工作的毕业生来说,家庭是第一因素,许多同学在找工作时会寻求父母的建议,尤其会考虑到地域问题。 Shanghai college graduates are looking in new directions when starting their careers, according to a recent Shanghai government survey. Shanghai college graduates earn an average monthly salary of 4,800 Yuan, before taxes. 根据上海政府近期的一项调查显示:上海的高校毕业生正找寻新方向来开启自己的职业生涯。他们税前平均每月挣得工资4800元。 This is lower than what graduates expect to make by about 1,000 Yuan. A high number of graduates hope to work in Shanghai after graduation, and fewer and fewer students plan to go into civil service. 这比他们预想的要低约1000元。大量毕业生希望毕业后能留在上海工作,越来越少的学生计划考公务员。 Shanghai’s National Bureau of Investigation Corps released its fifth annual survey on job-seeking Shanghai college graduates. The survey was taken by 2,071 students from 16 Shanghai universities. 国家统计局上海调查总队发布了上海大学生择业第五次年度调查。调查包括16所上海高校的2071名毕业生。 High Salary Expectations 对工资抱有较高的期望值 The survey revealed that recent Shanghai college graduates earn about 4,800 Yuan per month, an increase of 400 Yuan from last year. 最近的调查显示:上海高校毕业生每月工资约为4800元,比去年上涨400元。 Breaking it down, vocational school graduates earn an average of 3,500 Yuan, undergraduates earn 5,100 Yuan and those with a masters earn 6,800 Yuan. 往细点说,职业学校毕业生每月平均工资为3500元,本科生挣5100元,研究生工资为6800元。 Salaries are increasing for college graduates, but students’ salary exceptions are still higher than their eventual financial realities. Shanghai’s 2015 college graduates expect to earn an average of 5,800 Yuan, an increase of 500 Yuan from last year. This number is much higher than what most graduates end up actually earning. 高校毕业生的工资在增长,但是他们的期望值比最终拿到的工资还要高。上海2015级的毕业生希望自己每月能拿到5800的工资,这比去年有500元的涨幅。这个数比大多数毕业生实际上挣到的工资。 College graduates who had found employment said that the three most important factors for finding a job are: professional background (44.1%), work or internship experience (41.8%), and reasonable expectations for income and benefits (20.9%). 找到雇主的大学毕业生说找工作三个最重要的因素是:专业背景(44.1%),工作或实习经验(41.8%)和对工资和福利的合理预期(20.9%)。 Graduates who have signed on with jobs that pay over 6,000 Yuan said that job or internship experience (50.6%), interview skills (24.1%), and social activities during college (20.5%) are important in finding a job. 那些签了月薪在6000元以上工作的毕业生说工作或实习经验(50.6%),面试技巧(24.1%)和大学期间参加的社会活动(20.5%)是找工作的重要因素。 Civil Service Less Popular 公务员不那么热了 Government jobs are still attractive to college graduates who are looking for a stable choice for employment. 33.3% of respondents said that they would prefer to work in a government job. 对于那些寻求稳定工作的大学毕业生来说,政府工作还是很具吸引力的。33.3%的受访者说他们更喜欢在政府工作。 32.1% replied that they hoped to work for a foreign company, 22.8% preferred a state-owned enterprise, and 9.5% hoped for a private company. 32.1%回复说他们希望能在外企工作,22.8%希望在国有单位,9.5%的同学表示希望在私企工作。 However, the number of students interested in working in civil service, has been decreasing for a number of years. The number decreased by 3.2% from 2013 to 2015. 然而,数年来,对公务员感兴趣的学生数量一直在减少。从2013到2015年数量减少了3.2%。 Foreign companies have always been a popular choice, and the number of students interested in them has stayed more or less consistent over the past few years. 外企也总是热门的选择,在过去几年,对外企感兴趣的学生数量也或多或少保持一致。 Girls are more likely to want to go into civil service- 38.8% of female students are interested in working in a government agency, 11.7% higher than the number of male students. 女生更想去当公务员—38.8%的女生想在政府机构工作,比男生高出11.7%。 Boys, on the other hand, are more interested in state-owned enterprises. 28.8% of male students hope to work at a state-owned enterprise, which is 11.5% higher than the number of female students. 另一方面,男生对国有企业更感兴趣,28.8%的男生希望能在国有单位工作,这比女生的数量高出11.5%。 College graduates still lack enthusiasm for the private sector: only 9.5% of students hoped to find a job in a private company. Students are concerned with income stability, labor rights protection, and career prospects when looking to the private sector. 高校毕业生对私企还是缺少热情:仅有9.5%的学生希望能在私企工作。当寻找私企工作时,学生关心的是收入稳定,劳动权益保护和职业前景。 However, expectations and reality do not line up- a large number of college graduates who had already found employment have signed on to work at a private company. Out of 700 college graduates who had signed employment contracts, 36.5% of them will work for a private company. 29.4% signed on with a state-owned enterprise, 19.1% signed with a foreign company, and 11.6% with a government agency. 然而,期望和现实还是有差距—那些找到工作的高校毕业生很多都签了私企。700位已签工作的毕业生中,有36.5%的同学将要去私企工作,29.4%的毕业生到了国有单位,19.1%签外资,11.6%签了政府机构。 Living in Shanghai 居住在上海 80.2% of Shanghai college graduates want to stay and work in Shanghai. Of the non-native Shanghaiers, 59.1% hope to remain in Shanghai, 29.8% want to return home to find work, and 11.1% plan to look for work in another city. 80.2%的上海高校毕业生想留在上海生活和工作。有59.1%的非上海人希望留在上海,29.8%的想回家乡找工作。11.1%的同学计划在其他城市工作。 Why do Shanghai college students want to work in Shanghai? Students cited the familiar environment (60%), the wealth of job opportunities in the city (58.1%), family reasons (32.8%). Other reasons included the prospect of a higher income, and the fact that most students’ friends are all in Shanghai. 上海高校毕业生为什么想在上海工作?他们说是因为熟悉的环境(60%),这座城市有大量的工作机会(58.1%),家庭因素(32.8%)。其他的原因包括高收入的前景,还有就是大多数毕业生的朋友都在上海。 Others hoped to return home to work because of the familiar environment (45.2%), family reasons (43.6%), and love of their hometown (33%). Students said that they felt pressure to move back to their hometowns from their families and friends. 剩下的毕业生希望能回家乡工作,因为有着熟悉的环境(45.2%),家庭原因(43.6%),和他们热爱自己的家乡(33%)。毕业生说重新回到家乡,还是会有来自家人和朋友的压力。 It seems that when students are looking to stay in Shanghai or go home, family and familiarity are the most important factors. 73.4% of students said that their parents view was the most important factor in choosing where to work. 当学生在决定留在上海还是回家的问题上,家人和对城市熟悉与否貌似是最重要的因素。73.4%的学生说父母的意见是他们选择去哪里工作最重要的因素。 71.7% of graduates who have signed employment contracts are satisfied with the result. They are happy with the stability of their new positions and generally satisfied with their workplaces. However, they are not satisfied with their salaries and benefits. 63.2% were fully satisfied with their salaries, 32.3 % were mostly satisfied with them, and 4.8% were dissatisfied. 73.4%签了单位的毕业生会对这个结果很满意。他们对于新职位的稳定性感到满意,对工作场所也满意。但是,他们不满薪水和福利。63.2%的同学对薪水完全满意,32.3%表示比较满意。而4.8%表示不满意。