Never too Young

Never too Young

2016-09-11    03'52''

主播: ᴷ¹

42 3

[you 're never too young to fall in love.....~.前奏~~you 're never too young to] What's up with the day 那天肿么了 people talk in about me 人们谈论我 they say what's up with your age,(man) 你小小年纪还挺牛X why you wanna doubt me “你们为什么要怀疑偶?” see me living while i’m young 看我活得自在 say i couldn't shouldn't won't。。。 说我这不能干,那不能干的。。。 oh i can't? that's what’s up! 哦 我不能? 这些算神马! i am doing on my own哥我依然我行我素 this goes out to everybody 这对人人都很普遍 chasing after what they want 追逐着他们的梦想 it doesn't matter where u been 你在何方都没关系 it only matters where you are going 它只与你去向何方有关 i see you and i think about an angle from above 我看见了你并认为你是上天赐予我的天使 but they keep telling me is puppy love 但他们一直说是早恋。。。 You make me feel like everything we have is real 你让我觉得我们拥有的任何都是真是的 Every time I look at you, you make me smile 每次我凝视你,你让我微笑 I've been thinking about you every night,all the time 我每时每刻没日没夜都在想着你 Can't get you off my mind 无法将你从我脑海中消去 I just wanna hold you tight,feel so right 我仅仅想要握紧你,感受你在我身边 when I got you by my side 当我和你相依靠时 They say that we're wrong 他们说我们不合适 And we don't know what love is 同时我们也不懂什么是爱 They say we're too young 他们说我们太小 But you're never too young to fall in love~ in love~但你从不会太小而不会坠入爱河 you 're never too young to fall in love.. you 're never too young to fall metty b~: have you ever had a dream that where 你是否曾经有过一个梦 things ain't what they have seem then 梦到事情并不像他们所预见的那样 everything you want is in front of you 任何一件你想要的东西都摆在你面前 standing there (你)傻愣在那里 hoping and pray that you can finally make it beat 期望和祈祷你终于可以让它实现 open your eyes and realize that it ain't a dream and 当你睁开你的眼发现这并不是梦 everything you see here is the truth 任何你在这里看见的都是真理 my reality 我得现实是 young but i'm going for it 虽然年轻但我也会去追求 hate is gonna to be mad at me 仇恨将要对我发疯 i see you and i think about an angle from above 但我看见了你并认为你是上天赐予我的天使 i don't care they keep saying is puppy love 哥不在乎他们一直说是早恋。。。 You make me feel like everything we have is real 你让我觉得我们拥有的任何都是真是的 Every time I look at you, you make me smile 每次我凝视你,你让我微笑 I've been thinking about you every night,all the time 我每时每刻没日没夜都在想着你 Can't get you off my mind 无法将你从我脑海中消去 I just wanna hold you tight,feel so right 我仅仅想要握紧你,感受你在我身边 but I got you by my side 当我和你相依靠时 They say that we're wrong 他们说我们不合适 And we don't know what love is 同时我们也不懂什么是爱 They say we're too young 他们说我们太小 But you're never too young to fall。。。 in love~ in love~ 但你从不会太小而不会坠入爱河 you 're never too young to fall in love you 're never too young to fall ~ what's up with that hate 那个仇恨肿么了 why you always tripping at every time you come up my way 为什么每次你来到我这总要和我作对 every time i come around ,you trying to bring me down 每次我来转转你就成心捉弄我 i don't get why you are so infatuated with me now 我不明白为什么你现在对我如此狠心 hair—long—girl girl 长发女孩啊 you are my favourite girl girl 你是我最最喜欢的女孩 hand around with me and maybe we can change the world 用手将我缠绕也许我们就能改变世界 you are my favourite melody and the reason from my song 你是我最动听的旋律也是我写歌的原因 we won't let nobody tell us we were too young 我们不会让任何人告诉我们我们还太年轻 哼哼。。。 I've been thinking about you every night,all the time 我每时每刻没日没夜都在想着你 Can't get you off my mind 无法将你从我脑海中消去 I just want to hold you tight,feel so right 我仅仅想要握紧你,感受你在我身边 when I got you by my side 当我和你相依靠时 They say that we're wrong 他们说我们不合适 And we don't know what love is 同时我们也不懂什么是爱 They say we're too young 他们说我们太小 But you're never too young to falllllll in loveeee in loveeee 但你从不会太小而不会坠入爱河 you 're never too young to fall in love.. you 're never too young to fall (never too young to falling love/