Down at the station

Down at the station

2016-11-28    00'58''

主播: 晋晋亲子英语

53 0

鹅妈妈童谣:Down at the station (p19) Down at the station, early in the morning, See the little puffer-billies all in a row; 大清早,到车站, 瞧!小火车们排排站; See the engine-driver pull his little lever- Puff puff, peep peep, off we go! 看那司机,拉动他的小把手, 叭叭嘟嘟出发喽! 重点单词: engine [ˈɛndʒɪn] 发动机、火车头 driver [ˈdraɪvə] 司机 pull [pʊl] 拉,扯 lever [ˈlevər] 操作杆、手柄 重点单词: station [ˈsteʃən] 车站 early [ˈɜ:rli] 早期的,早的 puffer-billies [‘pʌfər ’bɪlɪz] 蒸汽小火车 row [roʊ] 排
上一期: 三字经09
下一期: 三字经10