The art of war

The art of war

2021-03-09    01'01''

主播: 启军😝

343 2

'Sun Tzŭ said: The 'art↗ of war / is of 'vital↗ importance to the 'State. It is a'matter↗ of 'life↗ and 'death, a road either to 'safety / or to 'ruin↘. 'Hence↗ / it is a 'subject of 'inquiry / which can on 'no↗ account be neg'lected↘. Now the 'general who 'wins a battle / makes 'many↗ calculations in his 'temple 'ere the battle is 'fought↘. The general who 'loses a battle / makes but 'few calculations be'forehand↘. 'Thus↗ do 'many↗ calculations lead to 'victory, and 'few↗ calculations to de'feat: how much 'more 'no↗ calculation at 'all↘! It is by at'tention↗ to 'this↗ 'point / that I can fore'see 'who is likely to 'win / or 'lose↘.