Dream crazier

Dream crazier

2021-03-14    01'21''

主播: 启军😝

320 3

If we 'show e'motion, we’re called dra'matic↘. If we 'want to 'play against 'men↗, we’re 'nuts↘. And if we 'dream of 'equal oppor'tunity↗, de'lusional↘. When we 'stand↗ for something, we’re un'hinged↘. When we’re too 'good, there’s 'something 'wrong with us↘. And if we get 'angry↗, we’re hy'sterical, ir'rational, or 'just being 'crazy↘. But / a 'woman 'running a 'marathon was 'crazy↘. A 'woman 'boxing / was 'crazy↘. A 'woman dunking↗, 'crazy↘. 'Coaching an 'NBA team, 'crazy↘. A 'woman com'peting in a hi 'jab; 'changing her 'sport; 'landing↗ a 'double-cork '1080↗; or winning '23 'Grand Slams, 'having a baby, and then 'coming back for 'more↗, 'crazy, 'crazy, 'crazy, 'crazy↗ and 'crazy↘. So if they want to call 'you 'crazy↗, 'fine↘. 'Show them what 'crazy can do↘.