Omega-From a movement to a brand name

Omega-From a movement to a brand name

2021-03-14    01'37''

主播: 启军😝

315 2

We 'always give ∨names to the 'things that 'really 'matter↘. When a me'chanical 'watch movement↗ created in '1894 'changed our 'industry for'ever, we 'called it O'mega—a 'word sy'nonymous with 'excellence, ac'complishment and↗ a'chievement↘. In '1903↗, our 'founders gave the 'name to the en'tire 'company, and well↗ over a'century 'later, we remain com'mitted to that 'name and 'all that↗ it stands↗ for↘. In '2007, our ex'clusive Co-Axial 'calibre signaled a'nother revolution↗ in 'watchmaking, rede'fining the potential↗ of the me∨chanical 'movement↘. This↗ dedicated pro'duction line↗ 'represents a 'seamless blend↗ of 'human inge'nuity and ∨automated per'fection—a line 'worthy of the Co-Axial 'calibres we pro'duce there↘. For our↗ company, which 'took its 'name from a'movement in '1903, 'quality↗ and inno'vation are still 'central to 'every 'timepiece we produce↘. O'MEGA: Our 'name says↗ it all↘.