The'Law of 'Attraction says that 'you are a “living↗ 'magnet” and that / you in'variably attract↗ / 'into your life↗ the people↗, ideas↗, opportunities↗, and 'circumstances↗ in 'harmony with your dominant↗ 'thoughts↘.
When 'you think positive↗, optimistic↗, loving↗, and suc'cessful thoughts↗, 'you create a 'force field of 'magnetism that / at'tracts, like iron↗ filings↗ to a ∨magnet, the 'very↗ things↗ you are'thinking about↘. 'This law↗ explains↗ 'why↗ it is↗that you / 'don’t have to be con'cerned where your 'good is going↗ to 'come from↘. If 'you↗ can keep↗ your mind↗ clearly↗ focused↗ on what↗ you ∨want, and re'frain↗ from thinking↗ about↗ what↗ you 'don’t↗ want↗, you will↗ at∨tract 'everything you need↗ to achieve↗ your 'goals, ex'actly when you↗ are 'ready↘. Change↗ your thinking↗ / and you change↗ your 'life↘.