Choose your role models with care

Choose your role models with care

2021-04-02    01'41''

主播: 启军😝

238 3

CHOOSE↗ YOUR 'ROLE MODELS↗ WITH 'CARE There is 'nothing wrong↗ with being↗thoughtful↗ and con∨cerned about the ∨feelings and∨reactions of others↗'toward you and your 'choices↘. 'What is 'silly and↗ self-de'feating however↗, is for 'you to ∨ allow ∨yourself to be in'ordinately 'influenced by the / 'fleeting ∨opinions of 'people / 'whose ∨regard and ∨respect is of no↗ con∨cern or value↗ to 'you↘. If 'you’ve been raised↗ with ∨destructive ∨criticism, 'you can easily↗ 'slip into the trap↗ of 'organizing your↗ life↗/ ∨around trying↗ to gain↗ the ap'proval, or↗/ ∨escape the ∨disapproval of 'people 'you don’t even know↗ or 'care about↘. When 'you select 'admirable people to look 'up to↗, 'you actually↗ con'nect / at an 'unconscious level↗ with a 'higher ∨power / 'that will ∨then give↗ 'you guidance↗ and 'insight↘. You will↗ ∨experience a deep↗ inner↗∨knowing / of ∨exactly the right↗ ∨thing to do↗ or 'say↘.