Questioning Darwin

Questioning Darwin

2021-04-04    01'18''

主播: 启军😝

238 1

For 'those↗ 'Christians who be'lieve↗their 'Bible is the 'word of 'God, the 'literal truth, 'one↗ man is 'held↗ up / as the 'Antichrist — 'Charles 'Darwin — for 'leading 'millions of 'Christians as'tray with a 'very↗ 'different ac'count of cre'ation: 'evo'lution↗ by 'natural se'lection↘. And it would 'take /'seven 'years / of in'tensive re'search / before↗ he felt↗'ready to write↗ / to a 'trusted↗ friend: “At 'last / 'gleams of 'light have 'come, & I am 'almost con'vinced / ('quite 'contrary to the o'pinion I 'started with) / that 'species are 'not im'mutable. It 'is like con'fessing a 'murder.↘” “I 'have 'steadily en'deavored to 'keep my 'mind↗ 'free / so as to 'give up 'any↗ hy'pothesis, how'ever↗ much be'loved, as 'soon↗ as the 'facts are 'shown↗ to be op'posed to it. I 'feel↗ wi'thin me / an 'instinct↗ for 'truth.↘”
上一期: 道德经1-20章
下一期: 道德经21-31章