Questioning Darwin

Questioning Darwin

2021-04-11    01'08''

主播: 启军😝

237 1

If 'there was a'single e'vent /that 'brought 'Darwin’s 'theory 'back↗ into the 'spotlight, it was the 'launch↗ of 'Sputnik / on the '4th of No'vember, '1957↘. For the 'first↗ time in 'history, cre'ationists 'fought 'back, 'using an en'tirely 'new↗ 'tactic — they would 'fight↗ 'science↗ with 'science: 'orthodox science↗ / with cre'ation science↘. 'Darwin him'self never↗ 'stopped 'asking 'questions about↗ 'his 'science↗ / and about↗ 'God↘. “In my 'most ex'treme fluctu'ations, I have never↗ been an 'atheist / in the 'sense of de'nying the e'xistence of 'God↘. I 'feel 'most↗ 'deeply that the 'whole subject is 'too pro'found for the 'human 'intellect↘. A 'dog / might 'just as well 'speculate / on the 'mind↗ of 'Newton↘.” It was the 'final 'humble ad'mission / from 'one of the 'greatest 'minds / of 'all time↘.
上一期: Questioning Darwin
下一期: O J Simpson