The Mother Tangue

The Mother Tangue

2021-05-02    01'34''

主播: 启军😝

246 3

'More↗ than '300 'million people in the 'world speak 'English / and the 'rest, it sometimes ∨seems, 'try to↘. It would be 'charitable to say that the re'sults are sometimes 'mixed↘. To be 'fair, 'English is 'full of 'booby traps for the un'wary 'foreigner↘. 'Any language↗ / where the 'unas'suming word 'fly 'signifies an an'noying ∨insect, a means↗ of ∨travel, and a'critical part of a 'gentleman's ap'parel is 'clearly 'asking to be 'mangled↘. If there is 'one↗ thing 'certain / about English pro'nunci'ation↗ / it is that there is 'almost 'nothing certain about it↘. 'No↗ 'other language in the 'world / has 'more↗ words 'spelled↗ the 'same way and yet pro'nounced↗ 'differently↘. 'Spellings in English are 'so↗ 'treacherous, and 'oppor'tunities for 'flummoxing 'so↗ a'bundant, that the au'thorities them'selves sometimes 'stumble↘. For 'better or 'worse, 'English has become the 'most↗ 'global of 'languages, the 'lingua 'franca / of business↗, science↗, 'edu∨cation, ∨politics, and pop↗ music↘.
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