Our ∨education 'system is ∨predicated on the idea of 'aca'demic a'bility↘. And there's a'reason↘. The whole↗ system↗ was in'vented — round↗ the world↗, there were 'no↗ 'public 'systems of ∨education, really↗, be'fore↗ the '19th 'century↘. They 'all↗ 'came into ∨being to 'meet the 'needs of in'dustrialism↘.
So their ∨hierarchy is 'rooted on 'two ∨ideas↘. 'Number↗ one↗, that the most↗ 'useful 'subjects for work↗ are at the 'top↘. So 'you were probably 'steered be'nignly↗ ∨away from things at school when 'you were a kid↗, 'things↗ you ∨liked, 'on the 'grounds you would 'never get a job 'doing 'that↘. Is 'that right↗?
And the 'second is↗ / 'aca'demic a'bility, which has 'really come to 'dominate our 'view of in'telligence, because the 'uni'versities / de'signed↗ the 'system in 'their↗ 'image↘. If 'you 'think of it, the 'whole 'system of 'public edu'cation a'round the world↗ / is a pro'tracted 'process of 'uni'versity 'entrance↘.
And the 'consequence is that 'many 'highly ∨talented, ∨brilliant, cre'ative people↗ / 'think they're 'not, because↗ the thing they were 'good at at school↗ / 'wasn't↗ valued↗, or was 'actually 'stigmatized↘. And 'I↗ think we 'can't af'ford to 'go on that way↘.