In '196∨6, Andy↗ Du'fresne / es'caped from ∨Shawshank 'Prison↘. 'All↗ they 'found↗ of 'him↗ was a 'muddy 'set of 'prison 'clothes↗, a 'bar↗ of 'soap↗ / and an 'old↗ 'rock hammer / 'damn↗ near 'worn↗ 'down↗ to the 'nub↘. I re'member ∨thinking it would 'take a 'man '600 'years to 'tunnel 'through the 'wall with↗ 'it↘. Old 'Andy 'did↗'it in 'less than '20↘.
'Andy 'crawled to ∨freedom through '500 ∨yards of 'shit-smelling 'foulness I↗ can't↗ 'even i'magine, or 'maybe 'I↗ just 'don't↗ 'want to↘. '500 'yards↘. 'That's the 'length↗ of 'five↗ 'football fields, just↗ ∨shy of half↗ a 'mile↘. Andy↗ Du'fresne, who 'crawled↗ through a 'river of 'shit↗ and 'came out 'clean↗ on the 'other↗ side↘. Andy↗ Du'fresne, 'headed↗ for the Pa'cific↘.
'Sometimes it 'makes me 'sad, though↗, Andy↗ being↗ gone↗. 'I↗ have to re'mind myself↗ that 'some birds↗ aren't↗'meant to be 'caged↘. Their 'feathers are just 'too 'bright↘. And when they 'fly↗ a'way, the 'part of you↗ that 'knows it was a 'sin to 'lock them 'up 'does↗ re'joice↘. But 'still… the 'place 'you 'live in is that 'much 'more 'drab↗ and 'empty that 'they're 'gone↘. 'I↗ guess 'I↗ just 'miss my 'friend↘.