'Born↗ in '1847↘, and 'raised↗ in 'Port 'Huron, 'Michigan↘ — near the 'edge↗of a 'small↗ 'country↘, then on the 'verge↗ of be'coming↗ 'great↘ — 'Thomas 'Edison was 'all↗ 'pluck↘ / and i'nitiative↘ from the 'start↘. By his 'own↗ ac'count↗, he was 'curious to the 'point↗ of 'mischief↘. He 'once↗ spent 'hours 'sitting on the 'neighbor’s 'goose↗ eggs↘ / in an 'effort to 'hatch them↘, and set 'fire to a'barn / “just to'see what it would 'do”. 'Given↗ just 'three↗ 'months of 'formal 'schooling, he 'spent the 'carefree 'afternoons↗ of 'boyhood / 'reading his 'way through the 'library↘, and ob'sessively con'ducting 'chemistry ex'periments in the 'cellar↘. 'Money was 'tight↘, so to 'finance his 'dabbling, he went to 'work at the 'age of '12, 'taking a 'job as a ∨newsboy on the 'train that ran ‘daily / between 'Port 'Huron and De'troit. A'long↗ the way↗, in the 'stations up↗ and down↗ the ∨line, he be'came 'fascinated with the 'telegraph, which was be'ginning↗ to 'knit the 'growing 'nation to'gether↘ as the 'rails were↘ — 'only with 'links of 'copper 'wire↘. 'Edison’s 'fasci'nation 'sparked↗ a 'quest for 'mastery↘. He 'taught↗ himself 'Morse 'Code and 'practiced 'sending↗ and 'receiving 'telegraph messages / for up to '18 hours↗ a 'day↘, before↗ 'finally 'landing his 'first↗ 'job↗ as an 'operator↗ / in '1862↘, when he was 'just↗ '15↘. By the 'mid-'1870s↗, 'Edison had a 'growing 'stack of suc'cessful tele'graphic 'patents to his 'name↘ / and e'nough↗ 'capital↘ / to 'finance his 'dream laboratory in 'Menlo 'Park↘.