Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali

2021-06-15    03'05''

主播: 启军😝

74 0

Muhammad Ali Muhammad Ali: “This is the legend of Cassius Clay, the most beautiful fighter in the world today.” Muhammad Ali: “This I predict and I know the score. I’ll be champ of the world in 64.” Narrator: Since he first fought his way to public attention, he’s been among the most charismatic and polarizing cultural figures on the world’s stage. Interviewee 1: “Here was this young kid from Louisville telling the truth about the way things were.” Interviewee 2: “He was gonna be very vocal about the problems this country had.” Narrator: In a turbulent time, he fearlessly fused sports, politics, race, and religion. Interviewee 3+4: “When Ali refused induction in the United States Army, so many people were ready to crucify him for his stance.” Narrator: Stripped of his title and exiled from the ring, he became a symbol of principled defiance. In an epic comeback, he beat the odds, his stunning victories transcending the sport itself. This is the story of Muhammad Ali. Muhammad Ali: “I am the greatest!” Narrator: On the night of July 19th, 1996, the whole world watches, as 54-year-old Muhammad Ali sets the cauldron ablaze at the Olympic Games in Atlanta. The sight of the Olympic gold medalist and three-time heavy-weight boxing champion defying Parkinson’s disease to light the Olympic flame warms public affection for a man who three decades earlier was a racial and political lightning rod.  champ [tʃæmp] n. 冠军 charismatic [ˌkærɪzˈmætɪk] adj. 有超凡魅力的;有号召力的 polarizing [ˈpəʊləraɪzɪŋ; ˈpoʊləraɪzɪŋ] adj. 两极分化的 Louisville [ˈluːivɪl] n. 路易斯维尔(美国肯塔基州城市) vocal [ˈvəʊkl; ˈvoʊkl] adj. 嗓音的;发声的;直言不讳的 turbulent [ˈtɜːbjələnt; ˈtɜːrbjələnt] adj. 动荡的,动乱的,骚乱的;汹涌的,猛烈的 fuse [fjuːz] v. 融合 ;熔化 n. 保险丝,熔断器;导火索 induction [ɪnˈdʌkʃn] n. 就职;入门;接纳会员;就职仪式 crucify [ˈkruːsɪfaɪ] vt. 钉在十字架上处死;严惩 stance [stɑːns; stæns] n.(公开表明的)观点,态度,立场 exile [ˈeksaɪl; ˈeɡzaɪl] n. 流放,流亡;被流放者 vt. 流放,流亡 principled [ˈprɪnsəpld] adj. 有原则的;有操守的 defiance [dɪˈfaɪəns] n. 违抗;反抗;拒绝服从 defy [dɪˈfaɪ] vt. 藐视;公然反抗;挑衅;使落空 epic [ˈepɪk] n. 叙事诗;史诗 adj. 史诗般的;宏大的 comeback [ˈkʌmbæk] n. 复出;东山再起 odds [ɒdz; ɑːdz] n. 几率;胜算;不利条件;逆境 stunning [ˈstʌnɪŋ] adj. 极好的;使人晕倒的;震耳欲聋的(《背诵营1》第98课学过) cauldron [ˈkɔːldrən] n. 大汽锅;大锅 ablaze [əˈbleɪz] adj. 猛烈燃烧的;闪耀的;发光的 Atlanta [ætˈlæntə] n. 亚特兰大(美国城市) medalist [ˈmedlɪst; ˈmedəlɪst] n. 奖牌获得者 affection [əˈfekʃn] n. 喜爱 lightning [ˈlaɪtnɪŋ] n. 闪电