Of studies

Of studies

2021-07-08    02'22''

主播: 启军😝

118 1

'Studies 'serve for de'light, for 'ornament, and for a'bility Their 'chief use for de'light is in 'privateness and re'tiring; for 'ornament, is in 'discourse; and for a'bility, is in the 'judgment and 'dis'position of 'business For 'expert men can 'execute, and per'haps 'judge of par'ticulars, 'one by 'one; but the 'general 'counsels, and the 'plots and 'marshalling of af'fairs, come 'best from 'those that are 'learned To spend 'too much 'time in 'studies is 'sloth; to 'use them 'too much for 'ornament, is 'affec'tation; to make 'judgment 'wholly by their 'rules, is the 'humor of a 'scholar They per'fect nature, and are per'fected by ex'perience: for 'natural a'bilities are like 'natural 'plants, that need 'pruning, by 'study; and 'studies them'selves 'do give 'forth di'rections 'too much at 'large, ex'cept they be 'bounded 'in by ex'perience 'Some 'books are to be 'tasted, 'others to be 'swallowed, and some 'few to be 'chewed and di'gested; 'that is, 'some books are to be 'read only in 'parts; 'others to be 'read, but 'not 'curiously; and some 'few to be 'read 'wholly, and with 'diligence and at'tention 'Reading makes a 'full man; 'conference a 'ready man; and 'writing an ex'act man 'Histories make men 'wise; 'poets 'witty; the 'mathe'matics 'subtle; 'natural phi'losophy 'deep; 'moral 'grave; 'logic and 'rhetoric able to con'tend Abeunt studia in mores Studies pass into manners]↘.
上一期: Of studies
下一期: 钱德洪录50.34-50.43