'Frigatebirds — the 'pirates / of the 'high 'seas↘. 'Soaring 'effortlessly on the 'gentle↗ 'trade winds↗, they can scan / 'vast tracts of ocean for 'food↘. 'Frigates must be 'so 'light'weight / that they 'can’t af'ford the 'heavy oils↗ / that 'waterproof the 'plumage / of 'other sea birds, so / 'getting 'wet / would be 'lethal↘. 'This↗ may seem an im'possible 'limi'tation for a 'seafaring 'hunter↘. But 'frigatebirds 'over'come↗ this handicap↗ / with help↗ from 'others↘.
Do'rado — one of the 'fastest and 'most vo'racious of ocean↗ 'predators↘. They pa'trol 'close to the 'surface, 'searching for 'prey↘. 'Little fish↗ try to 'hide a'midst the 'undulating 'swell of the 'ocean — the 'only 'cover there 'is↘. It’s a 'game of 'hide and 'seek / 'played out amongst the 'waves↘. Their 'cover 'blown↗, es'cape seems im'possible↘. But 'these par'ticular fish have a u'nique ability↘. They’re 'flying fish↘. With an 'extra 'thrust from their 'tails, the 'flying fish get 'airborne 'once↗ 'more↘. With a 'good↗ 'wind, they can 'glide for 'hundreds of 'meters↘. But 'this↗ is just what the 'frigatebirds have been 'waiting for↘. When 'frigates join the 'hunt, the 'flying fish ∨are / 'literally / 'caught between the 'devil↗ / and the 'deep↗ blue 'sea↘. If the 'flying fish get too 'much 'lift, 'they become easy↗ 'prey for the 'frigates↘. If they 'dive to e'vade at'tack from a'bove, they 'could fall into the mouths↗ of the do'rado↘. With the 'help of the do'rado, the 'wily 'frigatebird has be'come / a 'flying fish 'specialist / and without getting a 'single feather 'wet↘.