I would 'say↗ to the 'House↗, as I have 'said↗ to 'those↗ who have 'joined↗ the government: "I have 'nothing to 'offer / but 'blood↗, 'toil, 'tears and 'sweat↘."
We have be'fore↗ us an or'deal of the most 'grievous kind. We have be'fore↗ us 'many↗, 'many↗ 'long↗ 'months↗ of 'struggle↗ and of 'suffering↘. You 'ask↗, 'what↗ is our 'policy↗? 'I will 'say: It is to 'wage↗ 'war↗, by 'sea↗, 'land↗ and 'air, with 'all↗ our 'might / and with 'all↗ the 'strength↗ that 'God↗ can give us↗; to 'wage↗ 'war↗ against a 'monstrous 'tyranny↗, 'never↗ sur'passed↗ in the 'dark↗ and 'lamentable 'catalogue / of 'human 'crime↗. 'That↗ is our 'policy↘. You 'ask↗, 'what↗ is our 'aim? I can 'answer in 'one 'word: 'victory — 'victory at 'all↗ 'costs, 'victory in 'spite↗of 'all↗ 'terror, 'victory, how'ever 'long↗ and 'hard↗ the 'road may 'be; for with'out 'victory, there is 'no sur'vival↘. Let 'that↗ be 'realised; 'no↗ sur'vival for the 'British 'Empire, 'no↗ sur'vival for 'all↗ that the 'British 'Empire has 'stood for, 'no↗ sur'vival for the 'urge and 'impulse / of the 'ages,that man'kind will 'move 'forward towards its 'goal↘. But I 'take up my 'task↗ / with 'buoyancy and 'hope↘. I feel 'sure↗ that our 'cause↗ will 'not↗ be 'suffered to 'fail among 'men↘. At this time I feel en'titled to 'claim / the 'aid of all, and I 'say, "'come 'then, 'let us go 'forward to'gether / with our u'nited 'strength↘.”