A 'simple claim of 'better, 'even with the 'rational 'evidence to 'back it up↗, can create 'desire↗ and 'even 'motivate a decision to buy, but it 'doesn't↗ create loyalty↘. If a customer feels in'spired↗ to buy a product↗, rather than ma'nipulated, they will be able to 'verbalize the reasons why they 'think / what they bought is actually 'better↘. Good quality / and 'features 'matter, but they are not enough to produce /the 'dogged↗ loyalty↗ that 'all the most inspiring 'leaders↗and 'companies are 'all able to com'mand↘. It is the 'cause that is represented by the company, the brand, or their products / that inspires loyalty↘.