We’ve come a 'long 'way since the 'dreaming↗ about 'VR↗ in the '80s↗,and 'VR tech'nology has advanced↗ 'more↗ in the last '2 years↗ / than it 'has↗ in the past ‘30↘.
'Motion chairs↗ are becoming in'creasingly 'popular a'mongst de'velopers / 'due to their a'bility↗ to provide 'a more↗ immersive experience 'when 'used with 'VR↘, 'leading de'velopers in'cluding the U'kraine-based / 'MM, who are 'working↗ on the ‘MMOne. This advanced technology is 'being↗ de'signed to take the 'VR ex'perience to 'new 'levels / by incorporating a 'full '360-degree motion,which is 'perfect for 'flight simulations↗ / 'and / 'theme-park↗ ‘simulators↘.
'Other developers↗, such as 'Fasetech,are 'leading the 'way / in 'bringing this technology↗ to your very↗ own↗ 'home / with ‘their / 'Racing Cube ‘simulator↘.'This 'powerful 'home 'simulator / pro'vides 'plug↗-and-play into your 'home↗ 'PC / and is 'currently engineered to work with over '80 ‘games↘.