The speech communication process (Speaker)

The speech communication process (Speaker)

2016-05-24    02'37''

主播: 静音却不静音

562 10

As we begin our first speeches, we may find it helpful to understand what occurs when one person talks to another. Regardless of the kind of speech communication involved, there are seven elements— speaker, message, channel, listener, feedback, interference, and situation. Here we shall focus on how these elements interact when a public speaker addresses an audience. SPEAKER 发言人 Speech communication begins with a speaker. A speaker is a person who is presenting an oral message to a listener. Our success as a speaker depends on us — our personal credibility, our knowledge of the subject, our presentation of the speech, our manner of speaking, our sensitivity to the audience and the occasion. But successful speaking also requires enthusiasm. We can’t expect people to be interested in what we say unless we are interested ourselves. We can learn all the techniques of effective speechmaking, but before they can be of much use, we must first have something to say — something that sparks our own enthusiasm.