

2019-08-03    10'51''

主播: 海驴英语

238 4

1. one:[wʌn] 2. two: [tu:] 3. three :[θri:] 4. four:[fɔ:] 5. five [faiv] 6. six [siks] 7. seven:['sevn] 8. eight:[eit] 9. nine [nain] 10.ten [ten] 11.eleven :[i'levn] 12.twelve :[twelv] 13.thirteen :['θə:ti:n] 14.fourteen :['fɔ:'ti:n] 15.fifteen :['fif'ti:n] 16.sixteen :['siks'ti:n] 17 seventeen :[,sevn'ti:n] 18 eighteen:['ei'ti:n] 19.nineteen :['nain'ti:n] 20 twenty: [ 'twenti ] 30 thirty: [ 'θə:ti ] 40 forty: [ 'fɔ:ti ] 50 fifty: [ 'fifti ] 60 sixty [ 'siks'ti] 70 seventy [ 'sevn'ti] 80 eighty [ 'ei'ti] 90 ninety [ 'nainti ] 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 之后加1-9的数字,表示几十几。 比如: ninety-one sixty- seven twenty-two Hundred 几百几十(几)数字+hundred+ and + 几十几(几) 举例:one hundred and forty-five Thousand (几千几百 )数字+thousand+and+ 几百 (几千几百几十几)数字+thousand,数字+hundred+and+几十几 举例: Three thousand and four hundred a thousand ,one hundred and twenty-three 几千如何表示 Twenty hundred 或者 two thousand 几万如何表示 thirty thousand =三万 thirty-five thousand =3.5万 几十万如何表示 one hundred thousand =十万 six hundred thousand =六十万 Hundreds of people are going to stay in the hotel.