Daily English0 20:你准备好出去浪了吗

Daily English0 20:你准备好出去浪了吗

2019-08-04    09'29''

主播: 海驴英语

89 1

What clothes should l wear? Could you give me a ride? Hurry up,it&`&s too late. Don&`&t forget anything necessary . Take your umbrella with you. Are you running late today? Watch your step. Simon- What clothes should l wear? I am headed for work. 我要穿什么衣服?我要去上班了。 Cindy- I think the blue suit is better. Don&`&t forget anything necessary. 蓝色套装好一点。别忘记必要的东西。 Simon- Thanks. 谢谢。 Cindy- Are you running late today? 晚上要回来晚吗? Simon- No,I’ll be home in time for dinner. 不,我将那时到家吃饭。 All right,l’m leaving now. 我走了。 Cindy- Watch your step.