Daily English018:清洁是个累人的活

Daily English018:清洁是个累人的活

2019-08-04    11'27''

主播: 海驴英语

93 2

I can&`&t stand the sight of my room. It&`&s a war zone. There&`&s dust everywhere. sight 景象 sightseeings 风景 view 观点 scenic spots 风景 You have to mop the floor. Help me do the laundry. Take out the trash. It&`&s your assignment.Don&`&t reject me. Who will do the dishes after dinner? I will hang the clothes up to dry. Bring me the brush,broom and vacuum cleaner. We need bleach to clean the dirty spot. Where did you put dish cloth? Don&`&t leave a stain on the desk. Joe-- Look! The laundry pile is huge and there is dust everywhere. We should have a good cleanout. Lucy-- I will be the one to do laundry. Can you mop the floor and take out the trash? Joe-- Good idea. Let&`&s start now. Lucy-- Dear, could you bring me the bleach? Joe-- Wait a moment. I am sweeping the floor. Lucy-- Don&`&t leave a stain on the floor.