Daily English016:呆在家里闷得慌

Daily English016:呆在家里闷得慌

2019-08-04    07'56''

主播: 海驴英语

87 2

I have nothing to do at home. I feel bored. I sat idly turning the pages of a book. Life is impenetrable, ridiculous and nonsense. Can we go out for a walk? I want to have myself relaxed in a bar. Why not go out and watch an exciting movie? I need to have a cup of coffee with my friends now. Fannie-- It&`&s too boring to stay at home. Amy--- Me too. Why not go out to watch a movie? Fannie-- I don&`&t want to watch movies. I need a cup of coffee now. Amy--- How about going to the walking street? There is a new open coffee shop. Fannie-- Good idea, Let&`&s move now.