Daily English014:情侣吵架

Daily English014:情侣吵架

2019-08-04    08'21''

主播: 海驴英语

114 3

Put up with Cheat Make up Dare Forgive Fight Apologize Push I don&`&t want to see you anymore. Why are you doing this to me? Don&`&t push me. Don&`&t you dare to say that again! You make me sick. Get out of my face. I can&`&t take it anymore. A- Baby, what happen to you ? Why are you so mad? B- You know what you did. You cheated on me. A- Calm down. There‘s misunderstanding. B- Shut up. Get out of my face now. A- Can you just let me say something? B- Don’t push me. I don&`&t want to see you anymore. A- Whatever.