Daily English 05:妆出来的美女

Daily English 05:妆出来的美女

2019-08-04    13'38''

主播: 海驴英语

110 4

cosmetics 化妆品 foundation 粉底 brow pencil 眉笔 eye shadow 眼影 blush 腮红 sun block 防晒 concealer 遮瑕膏 lipstick 口红 Is there anything that will help cover my freckle? 有没有什么产品能遮盖雀斑? Can you show me how to apply the foundation? 能否给我示范下如何用粉底? I want my eyebrows waxed. 我想修眉毛。 How can l get the scent to stay on me longer? 如何能让香味留的更久一点。 Do you have the tester for this cream? 这个霜你们有试用品吗? The powder matches my complexion perfectly. 这个粉和我的肤色很搭配。 Don’t apply thick foundation to get a natural look. 不要擦粉底太后,这样妆容更自然。 The cream protects you from ultraviolet rays. 这款霜帮助你低于紫外线。 Eye shadow make your eyes look bigger. 眼影可以让你的眼睛看起来大一点。 Your lip will stand out much more with a lip gloss. 唇蜜可以让你的唇部更加引人 曙目。 A- Can l help you? B- Yes,l‘d like to buy a perfume. What brands do you have? A- We have Burberry,Versace,Gucci and Chanel. B- Which one do you recommend? A- I recommend Versace. the scent stays longer. B- Do you have tester? A- How do you like it? B- It&`&s good ,but not for me. I like something with aroma of woods.