Daily English 04:何时瘦下来

Daily English 04:何时瘦下来

2019-08-04    11'28''

主播: 海驴英语

119 3

lose weight 减肥 calorie 卡里路 lower-fat 低脂 rebound 反弹 slim 苗条 overweight 肥胖 figure 身材 on a diet 减肥节食 diet tea 减肥茶 gym 健身房 skinny 皮包骨 thin 瘦的 bony 瘦骨嶙峋 twiggy 弱不禁风 slender 高挑 in good shape 好身材 pear shape 梨形 apple shape 苹果型 V-shape 倒三角 round 浑圆的 Wow,she&`&s hot. She is skinny. I am overweight. I have beer belly. I wanna fit into this skinny jeans. How to reduce weight healthily. 如何健康减肥 I want to be skinny,not just be slim. 我想瘦到皮包骨头,不只是苗条。 Stop drinking soda. 停止和苏打水。 Don&`&t overeat everyday. 不要暴饮暴食。 help me set a realistic goal of weight losing. 帮我制定一个减肥目标。 Should l take the magic pill? 我需要吃减肥药片吗? Are there any shortcuts? 有捷径嘛 workout to keep legs slim. 健身保持腿瘦。 A- l am planning to lose some weight. I am overweight. B- You should make a realistic goal. A- Yes,l will approach to the instructor. She may help me a lot. B- Do you still overeat? A- Yes, because l am always busy with work. B- You should change it.