Daily English 01:客套话

Daily English 01:客套话

2019-08-04    08'07''

主播: 海驴英语

145 3

Pretty 漂亮的 Sincere 真诚的 Slim 苗条的 Healthy 健康的 Talented 有才能的 Kind 善良的 Gentle 温和的 heartfelt 衷心的 Generous 慷慨的 Flexible 随和的 Accessible 平易近人的 Responsible 负责的 Diligent 勤奋的 Stylish 个性的 You are stylish. 你真个性 You look pretty. 你好美 You are pretty in good shape. 你身材真好 You are so in style now. 你很时尚 That&`&s a nice skirt. 裙子不错 You are such a doll. 你真可爱 You did a good job. 干得不错 You did a terrific job. 干得不错 Bravo 好极了 Superb 棒极了 Excellent 干得好 You’re the man. 厉害 I‘m glad you think so. 很开心你这样想 It&`&s my honor to hear that. 听到这些是我的荣幸 That&`&s nothing to speak of. 不足挂齿 I can never thank you enough. 感激不尽 l really gave it my all. 我竭尽全力了 A- What do you think of the food? B- Delicious. You are really cooking master. A- I‘m glad to hear that,but l really gave it my all. B- Why do you eat a little? A- I am on diet. B- You are in pretty good shape. A- Thanks,but l still work out everyday. B- I am happy for you.