

2019-07-16    05'07''

主播: 子儿君

183 4

毕业生看过来!省会及以下城市全面放开落户政策丨今日热词打卡 来源:中国日报双语新闻 今日热词 放开落户限制 relax residency curbs 近日,人社部等5部门联合下发通知,部署高校毕业生就业创业工作。 通知中明确要求,省会及以下城市全面放开对高校毕业生、职业院校毕业生、留学归国人员的落户限制。 China has introduced a slew of measures to boost the employment prospects of graduates in the country, including relaxing residency curbs, promoting multi-channel employment and facilitating the establishment of startups. 我国公布了一系列措施促进毕业生就业,包括放开落户限制、促进多渠道就业以及为创业提供便利等。 这项通知从积极拓宽就业领域、大力加强就业服务和全力做好兜底保障等方面提出了多项促进大学生就业创业的优惠政策。   ▌ 省会及以下城市放开落户限制、精简落户凭证 Residency curbs on the settlement of college graduates, vocational college graduates, and graduates from overseas institutions will be fully relaxed at provincial capitals and other cities. The household registration process for graduates will be further simplified. 省会及以下城市要全面放开对高校毕业生、职业院校毕业生、留学归国人员的落户限制,精简落户凭证,简化办理手续。 ▌ 小微企业吸纳毕业生可享受社保补贴 Personnel in grassroots service projects who have passed the assessment of the grassroots units below the county level in remote areas can be selected and hired in the township institutions. 对艰苦边远地区县以下基层单位服务期满并考核合格的基层服务项目人员,可通过直接考察的方式择优聘用到服务地乡镇事业单位。 Small and micro enterprises that hire people who have been unemployed for two years after college graduation will be provided with social insurance subsidies, according to the regulation. 对小微企业吸纳离校2年内未就业高校毕业生就业的,按规定给予社会保险补贴。 ▌ 返乡创业还有补贴 The country will strengthen innovation and entrepreneurship, relax the conditions for applying for start-up loans, and encourage graduates to return to their hometowns to start their own businesses. 加强创新创业教育,放宽创业担保贷款申请条件,支持高校毕业生返乡入乡创业创新。 ▌ 扩大就业见习规模 The country will help arrange internship placements for college graduates and unemployed young people who need internship opportunities. Other subsidies will cover qualified graduates in secondary vocational schools, technical schools included. 及时摸排锁定有见习需求的高校毕业生和失业青年,帮助他们获得岗位实践机会。将求职创业补贴对象范围扩大到中等职业学校(含技工院校)的困难毕业生。 Notes 稳定就业 stable employment 户口迁移政策 household registration transfer policy 职业教育 vocational education 慢就业 delayed employment 就业创业 employment and entrepreneurship 小微企业 small and micro enterprises