【3.8专辑】别给女性贴标签the beauty of a woman

【3.8专辑】别给女性贴标签the beauty of a woman

2017-03-07    15'45''

主播: 尚尚的英语课

19254 820

欢迎关注尚尚的微信订阅号和新浪微博:全英文主持的催眠神播  The Beauty of a Woman 女人之美   The beauty of a woman,   Isn't in the clothes she wears,   The figure that she carries,   Or the way she combs her hair.   女人之美,   不在其华衣锦裳,   不在其婀娜身姿,   也不在其挽髻之法。   The beauty of a woman,   Must be seen from in her eyes,   Because that's the doorway to her heart,   The place where love resides.   女人之美,   必定是透自双眸,   因为那是心灵之窗,   那是爱驻留之处。   The beauty of a woman,   Isn't in a facial mole,   But true beauty in a woman,   Is reflected by her soul.   女人之美,   并非藏于美人痣,   女人真正的美丽,   发自灵魂的深处。   It's the caring that she cares to give,   The passion that she shows,   And the beauty of a woman,   With passing years only grows.   是她给予的关怀,   是她展现的激情   女人之美,   日久弥增。