

2016-03-25    22'05''

主播: 尚尚的英语课

4549 372

.permanent a. 永久的,固定的 .We all hope for permanent peace. .大家都希望永久的和平。 .mobile a. 运动的;机动的;多变的 n. 移动电话 .Now more and more Chinese own mobile phones .and they are not luxuries any more. .现在越来越多的中国人拥有手机,手机也不再是奢侈品了。 .overcome vt. 克服;压倒 .The Chinese Women's Volleyball Team .overcame a lot of difficulty to win the match. .中国女排克服重重困难,赢得了这场比赛的胜利。 .shortage n. 缺少 .In the developed countries, .there's a great shortage of labor/work force. .发达国家劳动力非常缺乏。 .predict vt. 预测 .The witch said that her crystal ball could predict the future. .女巫说她的水晶球可以预测未来。 .proposal n. 提议;求婚 .How could you make a proposal without a ring? .你怎么可以没带上戒指去求婚呢? .underline vt. 在…下面划线;强调 .When you are reading, underline the important points. .阅读时,把要点划出来。 .accidental a. 意外的 .Their accidental meeting led to a renewal of their acquaintance. .偶然的相遇使他们再续前缘。 .alternative a. 供选择的;另类的 n. 抉择;选择的自由 .There doesn't seem to be an alternative option. .似乎没有另一个选择。 .recreation n. 娱乐活动,消遣 .Karaoke is many young people's favorite recreation. .唱卡拉OK是许多年轻人喜欢的娱乐活动。 .career n. 职业 .Many university students plan their future career .in the financial circle. .许多大学生都将自己的未来职业计划在金融界。 .donation n. 捐款,捐赠 .He made a donation of $, to charities. .他捐了万美元给慈善事业团体。 .subtract v. 减(去) .If you subtract from , you get . .减等于。 .collision n. 碰撞;冲突 .In Britain, a collision with the Parliament could ruin .the government's plans. .在英国,政府与议会的冲突可能使政府的计划破产。 .segment n. 部分,片段;瓣 .Community college is the most rapidly growing segment .of higher education in the United States. .社区大学是美国高等教育方面发展最迅速的部分。 .embarrass vt. 使尴尬 .It embarrassed him when he found he didn't have enough money .to invite his girl friend to dinner. .当他发现自己不够钱请女友吃晚饭时,觉得很尴尬。 .contribution n. 贡献;捐款;稿件 .Mr. He Zhenliang has made an important contribution .to the Olympic bid. .何振梁先生为申奥做出了重大贡献。 .judg(e)ment n. 看法;判断力;审判 .You shall use your own judgment as to whether .you should start work or study for a master's degree. .你应当运用自己的判断力,决定是开始工作还是攻读硕士学位。 .infinite a. 无限的 .Indulging in computer games all day .may do infinite harm to students. .终日沉溺于电脑游戏可能会对学生危害无穷。 .resume v. 重新开始,恢复 .resume n. 摘要;简历 .exclusive a. 奢华的;独有的;排斥的; .(of)不包括…的 n. 独家新闻 .Some journalists are willing to get the exclusive at any cost. .有的记者愿意不惜一切代价获取独家新闻。 .humble a. 谦虚的;地位低下的;简陋的 vt. 使谦恭 .Defeat and failure may make people humble. .挫折与失败会使人变得谦卑。 .embrace vt. 拥抱;包括;包围 n. 拥抱 .In the past, Chinese lovers were too reserved to embrace .or kiss each other in public. .过去中国的情侣太过含蓄而不会当众拥抱或亲吻。 .concede v. (不情愿地)承认;允许;让步,认输 .Don't concede without a contest! .不要没经过比赛就认输! .fiction n. 小说 .Truth is often stranger than fiction. .真事常常比小说还离奇。 .performance n. 表演;履行;表现 .Andy's performance in the exams was disappointing. .安迪的考试成绩令人失望。 .emphasize/-ise vt. 强调 .Our reform and opening policy .especially emphasizes the importance of the economic reform. .我们的改革开放政策特别强调了经济改革的重要性。 .reflect v. 反映;反射;深思 .It's said that a person's handwriting .can reflect his/her character. .据说,字迹可以反映出人的性格。 .execute vt. 处死;执行 .The manager assistant came here to .execute a few small commissions for the manager. .经理助理到这里来是代替经理办几件小事的。 .pledge n. 保证,誓言 vt. 保证,许诺 .You must make a pledge to keep the secret. .你必须发誓保密。 .sacrifice n. 牺牲;献祭;祭品 vt. 牺牲;献祭 .Success in your job is not worth the sacrifice of your health. .以牺牲健康来求得工作上的成功是不值得的。 .unique a. 唯一的,独特的;极不寻常的 .Each person's fingerprints are unique. .每个人的指纹都是独一无二的。 .accommodation n. (常pl.)膳宿 .The high cost of accommodations makes life difficult .for many Chinese students in London. .住宿费昂贵使很多在伦敦的中国留学生感到生活困难。 .alliance n. 联盟 .Competition creates better products, .alliances create better companies. .竞争创造更好的产品,联合创造更好的团队。 .coarse a. 粗糙的;粗劣的;粗俗的 .His skin was coarse from years of working outdoors. .由于常年在户外工作,他的皮肤很粗糙。 .concern n. 关切的事;关心;关系;公司 .vt. 涉及,有关于;使担心 .Thanks for the concern. .让您费心了,谢谢。 .profit n. 利润 vt. 有益于 vi.(by, from)得益 ."What is your strategy?" ."We get quick sales at small profits." ."你们的经营战略是什么?" ."薄利多销。" .crucial a. 至关重要的 .Choosing a right location is crucial to opening a store. .选准位置对开店是至关重要的。 .dominant a. 占优势的;居高临下的 .P&G is in a dominant position in the market .of their daily chemical products. .宝洁公司在日用化工产品市场上处优势地位。 .recognition n. 认出;确认;赏识 .The spy escaped recognition in disguise. .间谍乔装打扮,没有人能把他认出来。