

2016-06-23    06'34''

主播: 话多不是病

106 5

Hooray!经过一个半月以来的三天打渔两天晒网,李总竟然收到了开通评论和原创保护的邀请!Well that was actually waaaaay faster than I thought. 所以李总决定庆祝一下,给你们发 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 一个大大的围笑 :) Anyway感谢宝宝们的支持和表脸的调戏。以后可以直接在文章下面直接留言了,也请大家继续不停地、啪啪啪地给李总留言聊天,啾咪! 好了说回今天的主题。如果说李总是个爱动手的人(李总动手系列请戳 抱歉,你说话中英夹杂我很想动手),那么夜店可能是动手频率最高的地点了。这就是为什么我一直守身如玉几乎不去夜店,当然了我才不会承认是自己年纪上来了去不动夜店呢QAQ 所以,今天李总来给大家讲讲夜店里那群Low B的男生。 用力戳下方吧,啊!▼▼▼▼ 6:33 夜店Low B男盘点 来自话多不是病 Fridays are the best! 每次去夜店总能遇到一些人 你就是控制不住想上手抽他 Like this This And this No.1 The Creeper (奇怪、变态、猥琐的人) The pervert (色狼) The stalker (跟踪狂) The starer (盯着看的人) The hunter The ass chaser The creeper would hit on every girl he meets. 2 things you can say to a creeper “Hey I’m sorry I'm just trying to enjoy myself with my friends, so…" “Dude what’s your problem? What the fuck is wrong with you? Go away you pervert and get the hell outta my sight!” No. 2 The Dancer Bye loser! No. 3 The Fake Social Guy 装老司机。 They just want to impress their friends and pretend to be cool. No. 4 The Rich Bastard (Bastard, 混蛋) The cool ones The annoying ones No. 5 The Drunk and Stupid Some people just don’t handle it very well. “I'm good don’t worry about me I'm not drunk I’m just a little dizzy” “老子没醉!六个六!” 夜店虽好,可不要贪杯哦:) No. 6 The Not-so-much Social Guy They try to blend in (融入) but...... No. 7 The Loner/The Texter/The Phone Lover No. 8 The Criticizing Bros They are here to comment on girls who are apparently way out of their league (高攀不起). 反正都没戏,过过嘴瘾又有何妨 It wouldn't hurt to just talk. Guys can be annoying at the club. You must’ve met one yourself. Tell me, please! 喜欢的话一定要订阅,转发,点赞,留言 背景音乐: Robin Thicke -- Blurred Lines