

2016-06-23    09'59''

主播: 话多不是病

120 10

欠大家的魔兽 这次补上 来自话多不是病 没错,魔兽和汤唯能有什么关系... Sorry guys. There's no co-relations or whatsoever between the two. It's just that the latest movies that I've seen in the last two weeks happend to be Warcraft and 北京遇上西雅图2 魔兽看完了更多的是可惜, I thought it could have been made better and it actaully had a lot of redeeming(拯救) qualities. "Disappointed" is the word that I would use to describe how I felt. The movie literally made me angry. The way they crafted the whole thing was a giant slap in the face(糊你熊脸) to the audience, and a pretty much insult(羞辱) to the Chinese film industry. 华语电影这样下去的话,we are fucking doomed(), for sure. Anyway, 为啥这么久才聊魔兽呢? I did not know what to say right after I saw it. I didn't know what to make of(如何体会) the film. 骂少了不解气,骂多了得罪魔兽粉,朋友圈只给了3分。 I feel like addressing(解释) this statement before starting to talk about the movie. A lot of you guys assume that I've never played the game before. But the truth is Warcraft is among the very few games that I've actually played in the past 10 years or so. And I did spend some time with it. I'm not a humongous(超级大) game fan like some of you guys are, I know that. And I don't have as much emotional attachment to Warcraft prior to(在...之前) watching the film. But I have played the game so that makes me NOT an entire newbie(新手) to this world. I‘m not familiar with the storyline and historical background behind it like you do, but I know SOME shit. So stop saying that I've never played the game. I probably started way(很) before you did. But the point I’m trying to make is that whether or not I‘m a game fan or whether I'm familiar with the Warcraft mythologies(神话) and all the stuff doesn't change how I feel about the movie. That's right. We are still talking about the movie. MOST people are not fans of the game. They go to the theater expecting to see a good film. People like me don't actually care about the source material. We don't care about whether or not the movie is loyal(忠于) to the game. We just wanna enjoy this movie-going experience. That's all. Movies and games are completely two different kinds of entertainment. A good game doesn't necessaily guarantee(保证) a good film. Listen. Everybody knows that I'm a HUGE fan of superhero movies. But that doesn't change the fact that I think some of them are good but the others totally SUCK(失败). Like this year, I thought Captain America 3: Civil War was a masterpiece(杰作) but I also thought that Batman vs Superman was such a failure. What I love even more is Star Wars. I breath and I bleed Star Wars. I watch the old trilogy(老三部曲) like 5 or 6 times every year. But that doesn't change my opinion about the prequels(前传) which till this day I still consider as giant pieces of garbage. Movies are not just made for fans of the source material. It should be made for the vast majority(绝大多数) of the population. 搞不懂这个道理的话,结果如下: Are you fxxking BLIND??? Some movies are butchered(骂惨) by the critics but they make a shit load of(跟翔一样多的) money. That stilll doesn't make them good movies, OK? 魔兽北美票房: 中国市场成为好莱坞的垃圾场了么? Some of you are probably gonna hate me for saying this. But I think it's something we should think about. 前方单词量高能... ... ... Warcraft 影评时间 I rewatched Warcraft in theater again last week. I let it sink in(吸收,充分理解) and I gave myself more time to re-evaluate the whole thing. And I agree. I gave it a too low of a score before. So this time, I am giving it a 6 out of 10. I'm still not completely satisfied. But as I said, I did find some redeeming qualities and they do make the movie watchable, NOT GREAT, but watchable. What I Liked... So let me start this review by saying what I like about the film. I think the director had crafted(制作) an incredible architecture(架构) to begin with. The film is beautifully shot(拍摄). The atmosphere(氛围) is awesome. I can see a lot of potentials and possibilities for the future films that take place(发生) in this world. This is no doubt a huge accomplishment(成就). I enjoyed the beginning of the film very much. I think the first 30 minutes did justice(还不错) to the film. It sets the tone(基调) of the movie both visually and emotionally. I remember I was like: "Wow this looks good!" All of the scenes with the orcs (兽人), I'd say, were pretty fantastic. They are way better than the human elements in this film. I'm sure I'm not the only audience member to say that about half way through the movie I found myself way more attached to the orcs than I was to the humans. I was driven by all the orc characters and I was literally rooting for(支持) them instead of the humans during their fights. And I think this is wonderful. This actually reminds me of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes(猩球黎明) a few years ago. We all loved the apes(猩猩) in that movie. They were the heroes that support the plotline(主线), as opposed to(与...对比)most human characteres who are just a bunch of assholes(一群混蛋). And what's even more important, is that I don't think the reason why we like the orcs better is just because of the special effects(特效). Don't get me wrong(别误解我). The special effects in this film is astonishing(惊艳). But what make those chacters more relevant and fun is their direction and writing. You can literally(真真的) see that the writers were putting more emotions in the orcs when they were writing their lines(台词). And the director also must have been more careful when he was shooting(拍摄) those scenes because apparently(显然) he did not want the audience to think that the orcs were the villian(反派). The movie made it clear that it was not GOOD VS. BAD. The two different groups were simply fighting for their own cause(原因) and that's well justified(合理). If you seperate the human elements and the orc elements and make them two different movies. I'm sure the former would totally suck and the latter would do just fine(挺好). What I Disliked... And this is where I want to kick off(开始) the negatives in this movie. The major one being THE HUMANS. None of the human characters had depth(深度). They were very flat(平淡) in this film and were not explored enough in terms of their motivations and origins(起源). Their lines were terribly written and they don't add any layers to the characters. In fact I think most of the human characters were miscasted(选错演员). They just looked so young. They felt like a bunch of kids who dressed up(装扮) as adults playing war games. Especially the king and the mage(大法师), too young to convince me that they were who they're trying to portray(演绎). So that took me out of the movie(看得出戏) very much. I like the actors very much. Dominic Cooper(下图左)and Ben Foster(下图右) are very good actors whom I've been a fan of. I just don't think they are the right pick for the roles. If you go back and watch those Lord of the Rings(指环王) movies, you'll find that even though some of the special effects were dated(过时) because the films were made more than 10 years ago, you'll still be amazed by how good the films are. That's because you care about the charaters and you enjoy the story so much. I can't say this enough, but plots and charaters are always the foundation of your movie. Technology only serves as an supplement(补充). Without the support of good direction and a good script(剧本), special effects become nothing but annoyance(烦人). The ending of Warcraft is unbelievably atrocious(稀烂). The story were undone and the film ended abruptly(突兀). It felt like the makers were working against the clock and they HAD to finish. They were like: "Oh shit it's already been 2 hours. We are gonna be late so let's end this." 我真的非常希望这部电影能成功 还有啥想听我聊的电影和美剧吗?多多留言咱们唠起来。