

2016-06-23    05'09''

主播: 话多不是病

149 10

功夫不负有心人,讲了这么多期直男话题,李总终于成功勾搭了一名曾混迹北美的情感老司机。这位美女将“撩与被撩48式”修炼的炉火纯青,面对前赴后继的汉子并不为所动,倒是从起起伏伏中摸索出一套指哪打哪的搭讪真经。 先给你们看看女神的照片,咱们再开始聊(为了阅读量李总也是拼了): . . See???? 姑娘长成这样你能不点开听吗???▼▼ 5:08 搭讪!!走起!!! 来自话多不是病 Thank you very much for all the support and humiliation ! 北美老司机,情感顾问专家,伊娃小姐: 见了美女,除了 How are you? --Fine thank you, and you? 你还会啥…是不是一片空白… How to set up your pick up lines? 先来说说失败案例 Don’t look weird and creepy like this And this Make sure: Dress good Smell good Your hair isn't messed up Don't try too hard Please don't say: You look so hot I think I wanna marry you I wanna spend the rest of my life with you I wanna meet your parents tomorrow Just stay cool and be yourself Know who you are If you are not a funny guy, just don't try to make bad jokes If you are not athletic, just don't pretend that you go to the gym all the time A girl can ALWAYS tell that you are faking! 1.Opening line Yo biaaaatch, wanna hook up? Hey beautiful you gotta boyfriend? you married? you got kids? how old are they? You are hot and I’m ugly. You wanna make some average looking baby??? 以上皆反例。 正确打开方式: Hey how’s it going? How are you doing? Whats up Looking good tonight Nice to meet you 根据周围环境选择语境: 咖啡馆:What are you working on it looks interesting. Looks like you could use a cup of coffee 健身房:Do you come here everyday? Maybe we can work out together sometime. 夜店:Can I buy you a drink? I’m with my friends tonight, you wanna join us? 2.Be confident. Don't be like: I'm not handsome enough... My english is not that good... I'm not good at sports so maybe she's not into guys like me... 3. Know what to talk about. Weather/ Movie / Music /Where are you from? NO DOTA, NO LOL! You'd better make sure that the girl in INTERESTED in whatever you have to say: 电影音乐欧巴综艺,淘宝快递八大菜系 You don't wanna sound like you are BRAGGING(吹牛逼)!!! Be sincere and be respectful Listen to what she has to say Put down your phone Make eye contact 几句高级玩家的pick up line: Did we have the same class together Cause I’m pretty sure we had chemistry. Chemistry:化学课;火花 Hey you smell like garbage can I take you out? Take out:扔掉;带姑娘出去约会 I’ll be Burger King and you’ll be Mcdonalds I’ll have it my way and you’ll be loving it. “Be your way” 和 “I'm lovin it” 分别是汉堡王和麦当劳的slogan。 Hey girl are you google cause you ‘re everything I’m searching for. 背景音乐: Dumbfoundead -- New Chick