

2016-06-23    07'56''

主播: 话多不是病

78 5

被歧视了骂回去! 来自话多不是病 "It's OK for bunnies to call each other cute, but NOT OK for others to call them cute!" Racism WAS IS WILL always be a problem "Im gonna kill these n---s" "Go back to China, you dirty Chink" 关键词 Racism: 种族歧视 Discriminate: 区分、分辨、歧视 Stereotype: 固执的偏见、刻板的印象 老黑stereotype: 印度stereotype: 老墨儿stereotype: 穆斯林: "If you不理解stereotypes, you就听不懂racism" --Mr. Li 同事:"Hey where u from" 你:"China" 同事:"Wow cool. You must be very good at math." 你:"..." Asian/Chinese Stereotype No.1: 书呆子、数学好、不善言谈、体育差、不会社交 Asian/Chinese Stereotype No.2: 眼睛小--slanted eyes Asian/Chinese Stereotype No.3: 人人会功夫 Asian/Chinese Stereotype No.4: 奥斯卡上的一幕... Asians work hard and never complain They listen to us They do whatever WE tell them to do "好人永远占绝大多数--the good people are always gonna outnumber the bad ones. 但是坏人的确是存在的,and you should be PREPARED." --Mr. Li 黑人:Nigger/Negro 亚洲人:Chink 白人:Cracker/Crack-head White people stereotype: Stupid losers We minorities need to FLY to get where white people can WALK to (“白人能走到的地方有色人种需要飞才能飞到”,意思是我们需要付出更多努力) 例句: "Stop fucking around you giant piece of white trash" "Go get a job you crack-head mother fucker" 例句: “go back to China you fucking Chink!” -"Oh yeah? Now why don't you go back to your mom's fucking basement and go fuck your cousin" 例句: "You seriously gonna play the race card? Good for you! I thought you were too STUPID to do so." 例句: “you must be very good at math" --"what? you need a tutor or something?" 例句: "Go read a book and learn a new language you moron. how about that?" 林书豪事件 Raise your RACIAL SENSITIVITY Have a STEREOTYPE-BREAKING MENTALITY "人不犯我,我不犯人,人要犯我,fxxk you bitch! " --Mr. Li