意趣英语 看美剧《绝命毒师》学英语
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Hank: At which point we apprehended three individuals and placed them into custody. I’m proud to say the outstanding professionalism of my fellow agents at the Albuquerque District Office resulted in a substantial amount of methamphetamine being taken off the streets. 当时我们逮捕了三个人,并已将他们拘留。我很自豪地说,Albuquerque分局的同仁们杰出的敬业精神,让大量甲基安非他命从街头消失。
And then we arrested three people. Because of our good work we got a lot of meth off the streets. 然后我们逮捕了三个人,因为我们努力街头上少了很多冰毒。
新浪微博 @意趣英语
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