绝命毒师S01E01 Day3-1缩写及读音

绝命毒师S01E01 Day3-1缩写及读音

2016-03-03    06'51''

主播: 意趣英语

540 101

新浪微博 @意趣英语 公众微信 YiQuEnglish Walt: It’s me. I’m alone. 是我,就我一个人。 Jesse: How’d you find me? 你怎么找到我的? 发音+语法要点: 非正式缩写 How’d you find me? = How did you find me? What’d you see? = What did you see? 这种缩写只在生活口语中出现,并不符合“正统”语法规律。 Would you? Education ​ ​正式缩写-比较简单的 I’m happy = I am happy They’re leaving. = They are leaving. I will do it. = I’ll do it. I’ve done it. = I have done it. 正式缩写-容易混淆的 ‘d 有两种情况 I’d love to go. = I would love to go. I’d never seen anything like this. = I had never seen anything like this. ‘s 有好几种情况,比如 It’s working. = It is working. It’s been fun. = It has been fun. 以上内容可参考《美语发音秘诀》缩写及读法 P90,重读部分可参考P66第六章:综合语调。 新浪微博 @意趣英语 公众微信 YiQuEnglish​