绝命毒师S01E01 Day4-2知识点

绝命毒师S01E01 Day4-2知识点

2016-04-25    05'37''

主播: 意趣英语

355 75

新浪微博 @意趣英语 公众微信 YiQuEnglish Jesse: Nah, come on! Man, some straight like you, giant stick up his ass, all of sudden at age, what, 60, he’s just gonna break bad? 一个像你这么正直的人,突然间,60岁了,就突然变化了? Break bad 失去控制,变坏 Jesse: It’s weird is all, okay? It doesn’t compute. Listen, if you’ve gonna crazy or depressed, I’m just saying that’s something I need to know about. Okay? I mean, that affects me. 就是很奇怪好吗?根本说不通。你要是疯了什么的,我得知道好吗?那对我也有影响。 ... is all. 就是... I’m disappointed is all. 我就是很失望。 It doesn’t compute. = It doesn’t make sense. 这说不通/没道理。 Why would the boss give us the exact same assignment to finish? It dones’t compute. 为什么老板给咱俩一模一样的工作?这说不通啊。 That’s something I need to know about. That affects me. 这事我得知道,对我也有影响。 If you don’t have money, that’s something I need to know about. That effects me. I’ll have to pay for you. 如果你没钱了,我得知道。那也会影响我,我得给你付钱了。 新浪微博 @意趣英语 公众微信 YiQuEnglish