

2016-12-08    09'42''

主播: 意趣英语

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这是意趣英语的一个系列专题,将陆续更新发布。 2.2 Prepare for interview questions 准备面试的问题 2.2.1 Basic behavioral questions 基本的行为问题 a) Tell me about yourself. 介绍自己 例1: My name is Ruby. I am from Chongqing, a mountain city, famous for its hotpot. 我的名字叫Ruby,我来自一个山城重庆,她以火锅而闻名。 I studied English for my bachelor’s degree in Chongqing University and went to study abroad for my master’s. 我本科期间在重庆大学学习了英语,并出国读了研究生。 During my study, I got a 4.0 GPA and took courses in marketing, communication, economics. 在求学期间,我取得了4.0的平均成绩,并选修了市场,传媒以及经济方面的课程。 I moved back to Beijing because I love the culture here. 我搬回了北京,因为我喜欢这里的文化。 Also, I love outdoor activities and cooking. There are a lot of places in Beijing that are great for outdoor activities. 而且,我也很喜欢户外活动以及烹饪,而北京有很多非常适合户外活动的地方。 例2: Well. I have been working for the past two years as a marketing specialist. 我过去两年从事的是营销工作。 During that time I have been trained to exploit new markets in some African and Asian countries. 在此期间,我在开发非洲及亚洲国家市场方面得到了很多训练。 例3: I would like to describe myself as a person with high integrity, multi-tasking abilities, a lot of enthusiasm for what I love and a willingness to go extra miles to satisfy customer’s needs. 我觉得自己是一个正直的人,多任务处理能力较强,并且对自己所爱的东西有很高的热情,为满足客户需求愿意竭尽全力。 Perhaps you would have a better understanding from my experience with one of the customers I dealt with. 或许您听一下我和一个的客户之间的故事, 会对我有一个更好的了解。 后面再加上自己的经历。 (未完待续) 意趣英语 新浪微博 @意趣英语 公众微信 YiQuEnglish