

2017-03-01    14'07''

主播: 意趣英语

720 57

为什么我句子构建已经很地道了,但说一大段话时还是让老外觉得不地道呢? 问题就在于句子之间的逻辑和衔接以及语言的精简度。 Lanie: Listen to me very carefully, Kevin. The network owns you. They can sue you for damages. They could bankrupt you. And even if someone slipped a chill pill into their collective drink, you would still be legally unable to work for the next two years. That's for any studio, any network. Television or film. So that's the good news. Now here's the part you're not gonna like. Kevin,你听仔细了。你是属于电视台的。他们可以起诉你让你赔偿他们的损失,这是可以让你破产的。就算他们不跟你针锋相对,从法律上来说,你在未来的两年内仍然不能工作。无论是为哪个摄影棚或电视台,也无论是拍摄电视剧或者电影。这还是好消息。那我现在来跟你说说你可能不太喜欢的部分。 我们先来做个小练习吧~ 情景:跟朋友描述今早发生的事情 我今天早上起晚了,所以我想在地铁口买个煎饼果子。然后我就去买了,小贩给我做一半,城管来了。他竟然就跑了! 有些同学可能故事这样写的: This morning I got up late, so I didn't have breakfast. I saw a food stand when I got out of the subway. So I thought to myself, maybe I should buy some food here. I went to the stand and said 'Can I get a JianBing with 2 eggs?' The seller said ok, then he started making it. When he was half way done, I heard some people shouting 'Cheng guan is here!' The vender ran away all of the sudden. 这段话的问题其实是信息太多,太啰嗦 剪完之后来看看: I didn't have breakfast this morning because I got up late. I tried to get a Jianbing at a food stand at the entrance of the subway. When the vender was half way done with my Jianbing, Cheng guan came. The vender ran away before I knew it. 其实还有更精简的版本,五秒钟就能说清楚: I tried to get a Jianbing this morning. The vender ran away when my jianbing was half way done because Cheng guan came. 总结: 英语是很精确,并且逻辑性很强的语言,我们只有找到关键信息和说话的逻辑,才能向native speaker的水平靠拢。 新浪微博 @意趣英语 公众微信 yiquenglish