

2018-02-14    06'54''

主播: 意趣英语

336 16

更多精彩内容: 公众微信 yiquenglish 新浪微博 @意趣英语 今日知识点: What kind of pot stickers have you had before? What was the filling? 你以前吃过哪种锅贴?什么馅的? dumplings 饺子 pot sticker 锅贴 filling 馅 I have no idea. I know there was meat in it. I didn't know there were different kinds of fillings. 我不知道。我只知道里面有肉。我不知道里面有不同种类的馅。 different kinds of fillings 不同种类的馅 Oh man, there are a lot of fillings for dumplings and they vary region to region. 饺子有很多种馅,并且不同的地区都不一样。 Most fillings consist of a meat and veggie combination. 大多数的馅都会包含一种肉和蔬菜的组合。 a meat and veggie combination 一种肉和蔬菜的组合 用have来替换consist of: Most fillings have a meat and veggie combination. Pork, mutton, beef and shrimp are commonly used for meat. 一般猪肉,羊肉,牛肉和虾是比较常用的肉类选择。 Meat 肉 Pork 猪肉 Mutton 羊肉 Lamb 羔羊肉 Beef 牛肉 Shrimp 虾 Cabbage, scallion, chives, celery, and carrots are commonly used veggies. 白菜,葱,韭菜,芹菜和胡萝卜是比较常用在馅里面的蔬菜。 Veggie 蔬菜 Cabbage 白菜 Scallion 葱 Chives 韭菜 Celery 芹菜 Carrots 胡萝卜 更多实用有趣内容: 新浪微博 @意趣英语 公众微信 yiquenglish