外国人说 I‘m into 不是“我进去”的意思!

外国人说 I‘m into 不是“我进去”的意思!

2018-05-16    05'46''

主播: 意趣英语

1174 16

情景对话: You know, I don't mind college interviews. 你知道吗,我不介意参加大学面试。 今日知识点: I don't mind… 我不介意… 例句一: I don't mind the cafeteria food at school. It's good for the price. 我不介意吃学校食堂的饭。性价比还不错。 例句二: I don't mind going to the store for you, but I have a class in 10 minutes. 我不介意去商店给你买,但是我还有十分钟就上课了。 I actually like discussing the things that they… 我其实喜欢讨论他们的… I actually like… 我其实喜欢… 例句: I actually like working out at night. There're less people at the gym. 我其实喜欢晚上健身,健身房里人比较少。 ① I'm into… 我喜欢… 例句: I'm into skateboarding and I have been ever since high school, though I'm not very good at it. 我喜欢滑板,从高中起就一直玩,但是我玩的不是特别好。 ② … is (kind of) my thing. 我还挺喜欢…的。 例句: A: I didn't know you could cook. 我不知道你还会做饭呢。 B: Cooking's kind of my thing. I'm always trying out new recipes I see online. 我还挺喜欢做饭的。我会经常尝试网上看到的新食谱。 ③ I'm all about …. 我特别喜欢… 例句: I'm not really into Game of Thrones, but Jeremy is all about it. You two would have a lot to discuss. 我不怎么喜欢权力的游戏,但是Jeremy特别喜欢。你们两个肯定有得聊了。 ④ I'm a big fan of …. 我特别喜欢… 例句: Aren't you a big fan of horror movies? You should check out Lights Out. It's really scary. 你是不是特别喜欢恐怖片啊,你应该看看《关灯》,特别吓人。 ⑤ I can't get enough of …. 我对…百吃/看/玩不厌. 例句: I can't get enough of their cherry smoothie. It's so delicious and nutritious. 我对他们的樱桃奶昔百喝不厌,真是又好喝又有营养。 ⑥ I'm crazy about …. 我为…疯狂。 例句: People are crazy about sports in my hometown so I never really fit in there. 在我老家人们都特别喜欢体育,所以我在那儿格格不入。 ⑦ I'm addicted to …. 我对… 上瘾。 例句: Everyone at work is addicted to Pokemon Go. I'm surprised we get any work done at all. 公司的每个人都对Pokemon Go上瘾了,我们要能做完一些工作才奇怪来。 微信:yiquenglish 微博:意趣英语